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Sep 10, 2019
It's the Little Things: 10 Low- or No-cost Things Leaders Can Do to Show Gratitude
When we interview candidates that are ready for a new job, we ask them, “What are the most important variables in what makes a good job?”...

May 13, 2019
Monday Motivation
The circus* can come to town unexpectedly. Some days are spent being the ring leader. Some days you are just one of the clowns. Some...

Feb 26, 2019
Playing Rivet Ball
Catcher Jeff Mathis, age 36, and with a career batting average of .198 (which is the second worst in baseball history of batters that have a

Nov 15, 2018
Planning for Career Growth
You are the director, writer, and star of your own story. Don't settle for being a supporting character in someone else's.

Nov 12, 2018
Monday Motivation
In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Armistice in World War I, we wanted to share this quote by Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing,...

Oct 4, 2018
A Tale of Two Pizza Drivers
Two drivers specifically caught my attention, as they were on the same cycle of picking up new orders and zooming off to customers and back.

May 3, 2018
The Amazon Effect
One of the best things I’ve read recently is Jeff Bezos' most recent letter to shareholders of his company, Amazon. Jeff Bezos is known...

Feb 2, 2018
Keeping the Groundhog Away - 10 Ways to Keep Your Team Engaged
If you have not seen the classic Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, you should. Bill Murray plays an obnoxious weatherman named Phil...

Dec 28, 2017
25 Reads for 2018
One of my personal strategies to improve over time is to read – our brains have a near-limitless capacity to learn new things – and the know

Dec 8, 2017
Books That Feed the Mind and Soul
We are looking for recommendations of books that you have read, either this year, or maybe years ago that made a significant impact in your

Dec 1, 2017
Surviving the Office Holiday Party - With Your Career Intact
It’s generally a weird dynamic – dress everyone up, add booze, throw in a +1, and it becomes a potent formula for awkwardness, entertainment

Nov 9, 2017
Stone Soup for Veterans Day
As Veterans Day nears, I have been reflecting on the story of Stone Soup. If you are not familiar, Stone Soup is an old folktale about...

Oct 19, 2017
3 Leadership Fails For Employees Not Taking Vacation
An estimated 658 Million Days of Paid Time Off will go unused. The benefits to both employees and businesses for time off are...

Oct 19, 2017
Holding it all together
Every company has people that hold everything together - and get stuff done. When I was an young Ensign in the Navy, their payroll system...
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