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May 3, 2021
Monday Motivation
It's up to you to build the life you want. Let go of whatever anchors are holding you fast and go explore the world that awaits you....

Mar 29, 2021
Monday Motivation
Have you ever had big plans and then it rains? No amount of complaining has ever made the rain stop. It does on it's own time. You...

Aug 24, 2020
Monday Motivation
We can all find ways to stay busy. Just open your email box, or social media. You can always find a meeting to get invited to. Before you...

Aug 17, 2020
Monday Motivation
Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Tom Brady was a sixth round draft choice. 198 players were picked before...

Jul 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
Being afraid of change is normal. Being brave enough to embrace the change is what makes you exceptional. Start a new job. Write a...

Jun 29, 2020
Monday Motivation
Nothing is insurmountable with the right effort. Keep going. #MondayMotivation #success #growthmindset #riveting

Apr 6, 2020
Monday Motivation
We are living in a time that is extraordinary. It's time for you to be extraordinary too. Keep it up. #MondayMotivation #Riveting

Mar 9, 2020
Monday Motivation
Fear can be a good thing - it can hone our edge and create a better performance. It can be fuel powering you to to work harder and...

Sep 30, 2019
Monday Motivation
Find your passion. Engage. Go. #MondayMotivation

Sep 23, 2019
Monday Motivation
Has anyone told you today how awesome you are? You. Are. Awesome. You've made it this far and have incredible adventures ahead. Make...

Sep 16, 2019
Monday Motivation
There is no room in life for half-measures. Time to go all-in. You've got this. #MondayMotivation #Achievement

Sep 9, 2019
Monday Motivation
Have you ever heard an interview with a very successful person? Inevitably the question comes up, "What's the secret to your success?" ...

Sep 2, 2019
Monday Motivation
Labor Day is a celebration of the the contributions American workers have made to building this great country. Things like battleships,...

Aug 26, 2019
Monday Motivation
First day of school. Starting a new job. Retirement. That novel you've been writing. Finishing your degree. Becoming a parent. ...

Aug 19, 2019
Monday Motivation
Most scientific breakthroughs don't come from a "Eureka!" moment. Most come after gradual progress that leads to that point. Nobody...

Aug 12, 2019
Monday Motivation
Sweating through two-a-days. Studying into the night. Coming in early. Staying late. Never saying, "That's not my job." Whatever it...

Aug 5, 2019
Monday Motivation
You are enough. #MondayMotivation

Jul 29, 2019
Monday Motivation
Sometimes events around us can make us feel like things are out of our control - but we have so many things in our power to influence the...

Jul 1, 2019
Monday Motivation
Enjoy the pursuit. #MondayMotivation #Happiness

Jun 17, 2019
Monday Motivation
Very little happens all at once. Changes in ability, fitness, innovation, invention, competence all happen incrementally. Success is...
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