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Jan 28, 2019
Monday Motivation
Hustle is one of my favorite words - it implies movement and speed. There are many stories of overnight success that takes twenty years...

Jan 21, 2019
Monday Motivation
Dr. King was a visionary and a disruptor. He fought the hard fight every day - and left us with a great example to follow. Keep moving...

Oct 15, 2018
Monday Motivation
The world is full of geniuses nobody has ever heard of because they never got off the couch. Your attitude is one of the few things you...

Oct 4, 2018
A Tale of Two Pizza Drivers
Two drivers specifically caught my attention, as they were on the same cycle of picking up new orders and zooming off to customers and back.

Mar 5, 2018
Monday Motivation
Today is the best day to get started chasing your goals. Waste not a minute. #MondayMotivation #success #Motivation #Drive

Feb 26, 2018
Monday Motivation
You are the author of your own story - how will your next chapter unfold?

Jan 29, 2018
Monday Motivation
Today is a chance for greatness. It is there waiting for you to go get it. Have a great Monday! #MondayMotivation #Motivation #Drive
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