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Jul 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
Being afraid of change is normal. Being brave enough to embrace the change is what makes you exceptional. Start a new job. Write a...

Jul 6, 2020
Monday Motivation
There are some people that will always point out your faults with no intention of making you better. They will be there to tell you that...

Jun 29, 2020
Monday Motivation
Nothing is insurmountable with the right effort. Keep going. #MondayMotivation #success #growthmindset #riveting

Jun 22, 2020
Go All the Way
If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. If you're going to try, go all the way. This could mean losing...

Jun 15, 2020
Monday Motivation
Every day is unique - here and soon gone. Make it count.

Jun 8, 2020
Monday Motivation
Be the kind of person others want on their team.

Jun 1, 2020
Monday Motivation
Things may feel out of control right now. One thing we can all control is how we choose to respond.

May 11, 2020
Monday Motivation
Now is a great time to learn the wisdom of the stoics. Stoicism is a way to stay calm during extraordinary events. Control what you can....

May 4, 2020
May the Fourth Be With You
My hope is that we all can find a mentor like Yoda - full of wisdom, always finding a lesson, and does not coddle you. Making you better...

Apr 27, 2020
Monday Motivation
No one is coming to save you.
No government. No politician. No CEO. No higher power. No friends. No family. It is up to you.

Apr 20, 2020
Monday Motivation
Welcome to a new day. For many of us, it might feel just like yesterday, or last week. Social distancing has a way of making the days...

Apr 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
Well, champ, it's time to get off the mat and get to work. It's time to start training. The biggest fight of your career is now.

Apr 6, 2020
Monday Motivation
We are living in a time that is extraordinary. It's time for you to be extraordinary too. Keep it up. #MondayMotivation #Riveting

Mar 30, 2020
Monday Motivation
I hope that we can look back at our time during the COVID-19 pandemic with the same nostalgia. Of how we took care of one another -

Mar 23, 2020
Monday Motivation
We have an infinite amount of compassion and creativity. Reach out to others - friends, family, coworkers, customers. See how they are...

Mar 16, 2020
Monday Motivation - Sea Monster Edition
In the earliest days of seafaring, when mariners started venturing out into the world, nautical charts would be accurate near the shore -...

Mar 9, 2020
Monday Motivation
Fear can be a good thing - it can hone our edge and create a better performance. It can be fuel powering you to to work harder and...

Feb 24, 2020
Monday Motivation
You might not be the smartest or the most talented. But nobody can stop you from out-hustling everyone else.

Feb 17, 2020
Monday Motivation
Happy Presidents Day. If you are a leader, you might not be faced with the challenges that Washington and Lincoln faced, but we can learn...

Feb 3, 2020
Monday Motivation
Champions are never an instant success. Nobody "comes out of nowhere" to win. Whether it's on the field, the court, or the office,...
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